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Mary Stempky
May 18, 20247 min read
What The Mutts is a Busia?
Busia is the what I called my father's mother, Alice Josephine (Gularski) Stempky. I knew this woman for 19 years of my life. Today, May...
Mary Stempky
Nov 11, 20238 min read
Coached by College: Change and Growth In Adulthood Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Welcome back to my merry journey! In a previous post, I recapped graduation and began to share my thoughts on the primary lessons I...

Mary Stempky
Oct 14, 202312 min read
Coached by College: Change and Growth in Adulthood Chapter 1 (Part 1)
While eighteen may be the legal age of adulthood, I was definitely unaware about what adulthood then. May 20, 2018 marked the day I began...

Mary Stempky
Mar 31, 20237 min read
A Merry Resurrection: Embracing God's Plan for Me
God works in mysterious ways and meets you where you are at. It's been more than a year since I last posted. My plan was to post...
Mary Stempky
Jan 8, 20224 min read
The Power of Delayed Graduation...Oops I Meant Delayed Gratification
In high school going to college was not a matter of if or when I'd go but rather where I would go. I now realize that perhaps if I should...

Mary Stempky
Jan 1, 20224 min read
Did the Ark of the Covenant Really Disappear?
One of the great mysteries in religious history is the location of the Ark of the Covenant which held the tablet Moses held on Mount...

Mary Stempky
Dec 15, 20219 min read
I'm Back...No Break Intended: Let's Get Down to Some Franciscan Business
Hello Again! Long time no see...or I guess long time no words. Though I did not intend to neglect A Merry Little Life, my absence from...

Mary Stempky
May 1, 20217 min read
Going from Cardinal to Baron: My Second College Commitment Day
When I visited Franciscan on March 22, 2021, the air was electric with its Catholic identity.
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